Friday, November 19, 2010

Alex Monroe = Perfect Xmas Gift

Don’t procrastinate, it’s time to get those Christmas presents.  Leave it much longer and you will : 1) be stuck in a sea of people all searching in vain for a the perfect gift, 2)  get your 2nd or 3rd choice because the original item has sold out, 3) give up and end up with something crummy 4)buy something only to find it 50% off at Boxing Day sales.

Alex Monroe make beautiful pieces that any girl will love.  some stock online however so much more instore (on the new 2nd Floor!),




Alex Monroe Bumble available in Gold plate $264 or Silver

Emma Watson has been spotted on the the Harry Potter press circuit with she cute gold bee.




We will be back with more ideas.

Complimentary gifting wrapping available.